CylinderFlow by Google DeepMind
This examples provides information on preparing the data for the CylinderFlow
example provided by Google DeepMind in their corresponding repository an how you can train and evaluate the resulting network.
Data Preparation
First you need to download the provided datasets for training, evaluation and testing. An explanation on how you can download the files is provided in the repository:
If you execute the file with the argument cylinder_flow
the following files should download:
You can keep the .tfrecord
files as is. You only need to change the meta.json
file to be compatible with MeshGraphNets.jl. The correct file is provided in the examples folder and you only need to copy it to the same folder as the .tfrecord
If you want to understand the structure of the
file take a look at the section Training Data.
The default path for the data folder that is specified in the example script is:
Training the Network
In order to train the system you can simply comment in/out the lines of code provided in the script:
# Train network #
# with DerivativeTraining
noise, opt, ds_path, chk_path; mps = message_steps, layer_size = layer_size, hidden_layers = hidden_layers, batchsize = batch,
epochs = epo, steps = Int(ns), use_cuda = cuda, checkpoint = cp, norm_steps = 1000, types_updated = types_updated,
types_noisy = types_noisy, training_strategy = DerivativeTraining(), solver_valid = Euler(), solver_valid_dt = 0.01f0
# with SolverTraining
noise, opt, ds_path, chk_path; mps = message_steps, layer_size = layer_size, hidden_layers = hidden_layers, batchsize = batch, epochs = epo,
steps = Int(ns), use_cuda = cuda, checkpoint = 10, norm_steps = 1000, types_updated = types_updated, types_noisy = types_noisy,
training_strategy = SolverTraining(0.0f0, 0.01f0, 5.99f0, Euler(); adaptive = false, tstops = 0.0f0:0.01f0:5.99f0)
Evaluating the Trained Network
The same applies to evaluating the system. Simply comment in/out the desired lines of code:
# Evaluate network #
# with Euler (fixed timestep)
ds_path, chk_path, eval_path, Euler(); start = 0.0f0, stop = 5.99f0, dt = 0.01f0, saves = 0.0f0:0.01f0:5.99f0,
mse_steps = collect(0.0f0:1.0f0:5.99f0), mps = message_steps, layer_size = layer_size, hidden_layers = hidden_layers, use_cuda=cuda
# with Tsit5 (adaptive timestep)
ds_path, chk_path, eval_path, Tsit5(); start = 0.0f0, stop = 5.99f0, saves = 0.0f0:0.01f0:5.99f0,
mse_steps = collect(0.0f0:1.0f0:5.99f0), mps = message_steps, layer_size = layer_size, hidden_layers = hidden_layers, use_cuda=cuda
Addition: Arguments for Training & Evaluation
The arguments provided at the top of the example script and in the function call correspond to the default values that were used by DeepMind. You can change them to see how that affects runtime and accuracy of the network.
The arguments inside the function calls can also be modified. An explanation can be found in section Training & Evaluation.